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This instant creative writing activities workbook will foster writing and creativity! Perfect for beginning writers, struggling writers, and everyone in between! This workbook includes "How-to" drawing instructions for a variety of animals and objects build students' artistic confidence and provide the context for writing topics. Numerous writing prompts for each drawing provide a springboard for journal writing and writer's workshop. Basic drawings can be extended and enhanced through individual student creativity. Graphic organizers, story outlines, writing templates, and an assessment rubric for success criteria are also included. Features ready-to-go, reproducible activities! Skills covered in this workbook: Step-by-step Drawing Instructions, Writing Prompts, Writing Templates, Success Criteria. About this workbook: Designed for teachers with parents in mind, this workbook is perfect for the classroom and for home! It promotes student confidence, learning, and success and offers the ideal supplement to enhance or enrich any curriculum. This must-have drawing and writing workbook: Includes manageable activities that reinforce essential skills and concepts, Meets standards and cover curriculum efficiently and effectively, Provides a consistent, clear approach. 96 pages. Grades K—2. Author: Demetra Turnbull

Gr. 1-2 Workbook
96 pages

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