SnapWords Mini-Lessons will be your new go-to book as you teach SnapWords! The mini-lessons go far beyond just teaching sight words.ePART 1econtains a mini-lesson for each of our SnapWords from Lists A-E. Each mini-lesson focuses on: how toeintroduceeeach word including aevisualizationeprompt, what to say toeexplainewhat is going on in the picture, focus worderecognition, focus onecomprehension, theestructure of the wordeis examined along with several other words that contain theesame spelling patterns, phonicseconcepts are taught, and writingeexercises using the word. PART 2econtains the games and activities that will make it easy for you to teach: word recognition, word review, oral phrase and sentence building, tactile phrase and sentence building, reading and writing connection, structural analysis of words (sound spelling patterns), and phonemic awareness. In the back of the book is a comprehensive list of all the words we have in our SnapWords collections. 175 pages. 5.5" by 8.5".