115 Photographic Community Helper/Occupation Cards
The Language Builder: Occupation Cards have been specially designed as a tool for use by parents, professionals, and educators to teach key language concepts to preschool age children, children and adults with autism, develpmental delay, or speech and language delay, or to anyone first learning or re-learning basic language skills. The 115-Card set includes both male and female depictions of todays most common occupations. The images are current and familiar, and are featured in natural settings. Care was taken to include plenty of context clues to make identification easy and fun. For the convenience of the instructor, the back of each card is numbered, provides a label and gender identification for the featured image, and lists suggested activities for which the card is targeted. (all ages)
The Language Builder: Occupation Cards have been specially designed as a tool for use by parents, professionals, and educators to teach key language concepts to preschool age children, children and adults with autism, develpmental delay, or speech and language delay, or to anyone first learning or re-learning basic language skills. The 115-Card set includes both male and female depictions of todays most common occupations. The images are current and familiar, and are featured in natural settings. Care was taken to include plenty of context clues to make identification easy and fun. For the convenience of the instructor, the back of each card is numbered, provides a label and gender identification for the featured image, and lists suggested activities for which the card is targeted. (all ages)