Begin a critical thinking journey that will continue through college and into adulthood with our highly interactive 80 page digital lesson plan. Critical Thinking is defined as "what happens when you judge, decide, or solve a problem." With Critical Thinking, students will gain the ability to not only understand what they have read, but how to build upon that knowledge independently by examining such skills as independent thinking, organization, asking questions, and problem-solving. Learn how graphic organizers can help students learn the basic skills they will need to become critical thinkers. Each readymade screen contains reading passages, before and after you read interactive activities, memory match game, crossword, word search, and even supporting video & audio. Test your student's comprehension of the lesson with a Comprehension Quiz by using SMART Notebook™ software's assessment tool, SMART Response™. Using any brand of Interactive Whiteboard, you will be able to create an opportunity for students to get more involved in the lesson.