Teachers no longer have to make their visual daily routine out of laminated paper! This kit is designed specifically for classroom use. Images are simple enough for non-readers of any age to confidently understand their day. Intended for grade 1 & up classrooms. Slap them on a magnetic white board, or use them in a pocket chart! Individual magnets are 8 inches by 2.5 inches in size for easy viewing from a distance. The perfect teacher gift! Magnets in this kit: Science, Art, Lunch, Silent Reading, Writing, Gym, Social Studies, Math, Field Trip, Snack/Recess, Assembly, Special Guest, Library, Music, Clean Up, and three blank magnets for you to personalize your classroom routine.
Includes 18 durable, illustrated magnets:
Art, Assembly, Clean Up, Field Trip, Gym, Language, Library, Lunch, Math, Music, Science, Silent Reading, Snack/Recess, Special Guest, Social Studies, 3 blank magnets.
Includes 18 durable, illustrated magnets:
Art, Assembly, Clean Up, Field Trip, Gym, Language, Library, Lunch, Math, Music, Science, Silent Reading, Snack/Recess, Special Guest, Social Studies, 3 blank magnets.